Connectology is committed to maintaining gender equality within the Connectology Team, but also continue promoting the values of gender equality, diversity and inclusion within the wider research and innovation ecosystem in Europe and globally, together with our Team, Partners, Clients and Associates.
Connectology prioritizes diverse working environment since its incorporation, building on data-driven insights on benefits of diverse teams. Connectology currently collaborates with a Team comprised of 10 nationalities, out of which 50% of the Team is female and 30% Generation Z.
Connectology’s continued efforts aim to comply with Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) by publishing this document online, fully endorsed by Connectology’s female CEO, alongside with following mandatory process-related requirements:
1. Dedicated resources – Connectology has internal expertise on diversity and inclusiveness practices, including gender equality. Connectology’s services include behavioural science projects, with a subsection for gender bias research and experiments.
2. Data collection and monitoring – Connectology’s commitment includes data collection, monitoring and reporting based on gender equality indicators.
3. Training – Since 2019, Connectology holds regular trainings on behavioural science and debiasing strategies, with specific workshops on gender bias and gender mainstreaming.
In relation to content-related thematic areas, work-life balance is achieved by the fact that Connectology Team operates remotely, and flexible working arrangements are a part of the company’s culture since its incorporation; gender balance in leadership and decision-making is achieved by the current composition of the Team; recruitment processes strive to debias applications to achieve equality of chances; gender dimension in research is included into Connectology’s behavioural science research arm; while Connectology has zero tolerance policy