Merlin Innovation Awards 2023
MERLIN seeks new and widely applicable solutions for restoring or enabling financial benefit for freshwater ecosystems. If your innovative product or solution is market-ready, you are eligible to apply in one of the two categories:
1. Product of the year 2023
2. Service of the year 2023
- Unique opportunity to pitch your product/service to 17 European freshwater restoration project managers and many other decision makers and stakeholders
- Chance to be part of the systemic transformative change of our society and economy
- Recognition within the European freshwater ecosystem community with your product/service featured on the widely read Freshwater Blog
- Automatic inclusion in the MERLIN Marketplace if your application is accepted for the MERLIN Innovation Awards 2023
The selected companies will be invited to present their innovative freshwater product/service on the Demo Day, which will take place online in January 2023 (date to be announced). The winners will be awarded in an online ceremony on a date to be announced in February 2023.
Applications and more information at https://project-merlin.eu/events-news/mia.html